Approved Program List

Study Abroad Programs by Region

The following programs are approved for semester or academic year study abroad. The McCulloch Center does not maintain a list of approved short-term and summer programs, see Short-Term and Summer Programs Abroad for more information.

Students applying for Laurel Fellowships (need-based financial aid) should apply for Laurel Preferred Programs; see Laurel Fellowship. Laurel Preferred Programs are also open to students not applying for Laurel Fellowships.  

You may also Search by Major to explore where other Mount Holyoke students have studied abroad in recent years. Keep in mind that searching by major will only display where students have decided to studied abroad and the courses they have taken... it does not represent the only or best options for a partciular major. Students with the same major will have different requirements, goals and preferences for study abroad.

Navigation tip: expand all regions and search (find) for city, country, or language of interest

Latin America


CIEE Liberal Arts Program - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Buenos Aires

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  Spanish

IFSA Argentine Universities Program -  not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Buenos Aires

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  Spanish


CET Brazil: Social Justice & Inequality - Laurel Preferred Program

City: São Paulo

Period of Studyfall or spring

Language:  English, Portuguese


CIEE Liberal Arts Program - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Santiago

Period of Studyfall, spring or year

Language:  Spanish

IFSA Chilean Universities Program in Santiago - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Santiago

Period of Studyfall, spring or year

Language:  Spanish

IFSA Chilean Universities Program in Valparaiso - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Valparaiso

Period of Studyfall, spring or year

Language:  Spanish


CET Colombia: Race, Ethnicity & Identity - Laurel Preferred Program

*Approved only for students majoring or minoring in CRPE

City: Cali

Period of Studyfall or spring

Language:  English, Spanish


SFS Costa Rica - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Atenas

Period of Studyspring

Language:  English


IFSA Program in Havana - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Havana

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  Spanish

SSA Education Abroad Liberal Arts in Advanced Spanish in Havana - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Havana

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  Spanish


CIEE Liberal Arts Program in Santiago - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Santiago

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  Spanish


SIT Comparative Ecology & Conservation - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Quito

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  Spanish


CIMAT Mathematical Sciences Semester- Laurel Preferred Program

City: Guanajuato

Period of Study:  fall or spring 

Language:  English, Spanish

IFSA Mérida Universities Program - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Merida

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  Spanish

SIT Migration, Borders, and Transnational Communities - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Oaxaca

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  Spanish


SIT Tropical Ecology, Marine Ecosystems, and Biodiversity Conservation - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Panama City

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  Spanish


SIT Indigenous Peoples & Globalization - Laurel Preferred Program 

City: Cuzco

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  Spanish


School for Field Studies Marine Resource Studies - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: South Caicos Island

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

Africa and the Middle East


Middlebury College Program in Yaounde  - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Yaounde

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  French


CIEE Program at the University of Ghana  - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Legon

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  French

ISRAEL (suspended due to US State Dept level 3 travel advisory & inability to obtain full insurance coverage)

Ben-Gurion University  - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Beersheba

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

University of Haifa  - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Haifa

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

Hebrew University  - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Jerusalem

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English


CET Jordan  - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Amman

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English, Arabic

CIEE Middle East Studies Program - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Amman

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

SIT Geopolitics, International Relations, and the Future of the Middle East - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Amman

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

AMIDEAST Area and Arabic Language Studies Program - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Amman

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

Middlebury College Program in Jordan - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Amman

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  Arabic


SIT Kenya: Global Health and Human Rights Program - Laurel Preferred Program

Internship & courses can count toward the Law, Public Policy and Human Rights Nexus! See Nexus & Study Abroad for more information.

City: Kisumu

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English


SIT Migration and Transnational Identity Program - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Rabat

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

SIT Morocco: Human Rights, Social Justice, and Cultural Transformation- Laurel Preferred Program

City: Rabat

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

AMIDEAST Area and Arabic Language Studies Program - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Rabat

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English


Arcadia/Augsburg Decolonizing the Mind: Racial and Environmental Justice- Laurel Preferred Program

Cities: Windhoek, Johannesburg, Cape Town

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English


CIEE Program at the University of Cape Town - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Cape Town

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English


School for Field Studies Program in Wildlife Management Studies - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Rhotia

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

Asia and the Pacific


University of Queensland

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Brisbane

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

SIT Program in Sustainability and Environmental Action - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Byron Bay

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

University of Melbourne

Apply direct  - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Melbourne

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

University of Western Australia

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Perth

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

University of Sydney

Apply direct  - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Sydney

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

James Cook University

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Townsville

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

School for Field Studies Rainforest to Reef  - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Yungaburra

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English


MHC University of Hong Kong Exchange - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Hong Kong

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

CET Beijing Chinese Language Program - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Beijing

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English & Chinese

CIEE Accelerated Chinese Language Program - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Shanghai

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English & Chinese

IFSA Study in Shanghai - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Shanghai

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English & Chinese



Associated Kyoto Program - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Kyoto

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English & Japanese

Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Kyoto

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English & Japanese

IES Program in Nagoya - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Nagoya

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English & Japanese

CIEE Program at Sophia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Tokyo

Period of Study:  spring or year

Language:  English & Japanese

MHC/Japan Women's University Exchange - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Tokyo

Period of Study: spring or year

Language:  English & Japanese

CET Japan - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Osaka

Period of Study: fall, spring or year

Language:  English & Japanese


MHC/Ewha Womans University Exchange - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Seoul

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

IES Korea University - not Laurel Preferred Program (except for Asian/East Asian Studies majors/minors)

City: Seoul

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

CIEE Arts & Sciences at Yonsei University - not Laurel Preferred Program (except for Asian/East Asian Studies majors/minors)

City: Seoul

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English


SIT Tibetan and Himalayan Peoples - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Kathmandu

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English


University of Auckland

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Auckland

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

Frontiers Abroad Earth Systems Program - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Christchurch

Period of Study: fall or spring

Language:  English

University of Canterbury

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Christchurch

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

Frontiers Abroad Geology of New Zealand Program - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Christchurch

Period of Study: spring

Language:  English

University of Otago

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Dunedin

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

Victoria University

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Wellington

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English


SIT Program in Social and Environmental Change in Oceania - Laurel Preferred Program

City: multiple

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English


IFSA Study in Sri Lanka Research Program - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Khandy

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English, Sinhala


CET Taiwan Study Abroad - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Taipei

Period of Study:  fall, spring, or year

Language:  English, Mandarin

North America


The McCulloch Center for Global Initiatives coordinates ONLY applications for study/academic leave in countries other than the United States. For students interested in study in the United States or seafaring programs, contact the Office of Academic Deans. email them at or call 413-538-3610.  See this page for more information.



IES Vienna: European Society & Culture*  - not Laurel Preferred Program

*Laurel Preferred for students pursuing the Museums, Archives & Public History Nexus! See Nexus & Study Abroad for more information.

City: Vienna

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

IES Vienna: Music  - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Vienna

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English


CET Prague* - Laurel Preferred Program

*Approved only for students pursuing the Global Business Nexus! See Nexus & Study Abroad for more information.

City: Prague

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

CIEE Central European Studies Program - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Prague

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

CIEE Prague, Communications, New Media & Journalism* - Laurel Preferred Program

*Approved only for students pursuing the Journalism, Media & Public Discourse Nexus! See Nexus & Study Abroad for more information.

City: Prague

Period of Study:  fall or spring 

Language:  English

CIEE Film Studies Program - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Prague

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English


DIS Copenhagen - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Copenhagen

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

Medical Practice & Policy: Human Health and Disease: A Clinical Approach is NOT transferable to Mount Holyoke as it is considered pre-professional. MHC students cannot choose this core course.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Europe is transferable but is considered Non-liberal Arts (NLA). MHC limits NLA/CUSP credits to 12 total toward the agree.


APA Paris Immersion Program - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Paris

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  French

CIEE Liberal Arts - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Paris

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  French

CUPA Immersion - Laurel Preferred Program
City: Paris

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  French

IES French Language Immersion & Area Studies (w/ internship option) - Laurel Preferred Program 

City: Nantes

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  French

Middlebury Schools Abroad Paris - Laurel Preferred Program
City: Paris

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year (limited space in spring semester)

Language:  French

University of Minnesota Language & Culture in Southern France - Laurel Preferred Program
City: Montpellier

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year (limited space in spring semester)

Language:  French.  English

MHC/Institut d'Etudes Politique ("Sciences Po" ) Exchange - Laurel Preferred Program

This program is currently on hold for outgoing students while we address an exchange imbalance.

City: Paris

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  French


MHC/Berlin School of Economics and Law Exchange - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Berlin

Period of Study:  spring or summer

Language:  English & German

CIEE Global Architecture + Design* - Laurel Preferred Program
*Approved for Architectural Studies majors only

City: Berlin

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English, German

IES Berlin - Language, Culture & Politics - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Berlin

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  German

IES European Union - not Laurel Preferred Program

IES Environmental Studies & Sustainability - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Freiburg

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

Smith College Program in Hamburg - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Hamburg

Period of Study:  spring or year

Language:  German

MHC/University of Leipzig Exchange - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Leipzig

Period of Study:  spring or year

Language:  German

UMass Baden-Württemberg Exchanges - Laurel Preferred Program

(Type in "Germany" to search for universities/cities)

City: various

Period of Study:  spring or year (fall option only in Mannheim)

Language:  German


College Year in Athens - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Athens

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English


Aquincum Institute of Technology (AIT) - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Budapest

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

Budapest Semester in Mathematics - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Budapest

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English


University College Cork

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Cork

Period of Study:  fall (must include Early Start), spring or year 

Language:  English

IFSA Burren College of Art - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Ballyvaughan

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

IES Program at Gaiety School of Acting - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Dublin

Period of Study:  fall

Language:  English

Trinity College Dublin

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Dublin

Period of Study:  fall (must include Semester Start-Up Program), spring or year 

Language:  English

University College Dublin

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Dublin

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year 

Language:  English

University of Galway

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Galway

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year 

Language:  English

University of Limerick

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Limerick

Period of Study:  fall (if fall ends prior to MHC's spring semester) , spring or year 

Language:  English


Bologna Consortial Studies Program  - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Bologna

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  Italian

Middlebury College Program in Florence - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Florence

Period of Study: spring or year

Language:  Italian

Smith College Program in Florence - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Florence

Period of Studyyear

Language:  Italian

Syracuse University Program in Florence - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Florence

Period of Study: fall, spring or year

Language:  English

IES Program in Milan Italy Today* - not Laurel Preferred Program

*Laurel preferred for students pursuing the Journalism, Media & Public Discourse Nexus! See Nexus & Study Abroad for more information.

City: Milan

Period of Study: fall, spring or year

Language:  English & Italian

Boston University Italian Studies Program - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Padua

Period of Study: fall, spring or year

Language:  English & Italian

IES Program in Rome: Language and Area Studies - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Rome

Period of Study: fall, spring or year

Language:  English & Italian

Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Rome

Period of Study: fall or spring

Language:  English

Trinity College Program in Rome - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Rome

Period of Study: fall or spring

Language:  English

CET Siena - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Siena

Period of Study: fall, spring or year

Language:  English & Italian

Siena School for Liberal Arts - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Siena

Period of Study: fall, spring or year

Language:  English & Italian


Middlebury in Kazakhstan - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Astana

Period of Study: fall, spring or year

Language:  English & Russian


Bard Abroad in Bishkek- Laurel Preferred Program

City: Bishkek

Period of Study: fall, spring or year

Language:  English & Russian

SRAS Central Asian Studies Laurel Preferred Program

City: Bishkek

Period of Study: fall, spring or year

Language:  English & Russian


CIEE Social Sciences and Humanities Program  - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Amsterdam

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

IES: Business & Economics  - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Amsterdam

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

IES: Law and Criminology  - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Amsterdam

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

IES: Psychology & Science  - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Amsterdam

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

IES: Social Sciences and Humanities  - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Amsterdam

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

SIT International Perspectives on Sexuality and Gender  - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Amsterdam

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English

Maastricht University Center for European Studies  - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Maastricht

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

RUSSIA (suspended due to US State Dept Advisory Level 4 - consider Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan)


SIT Belgrade, Budapest, and Vienna: Comparative European Perspectives on Conflict and Democracy -  Laurel Preferred Program

City: Belgrade

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English


IES Program in Madrid: Area Studies - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Madrid

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  Spanish

IES Program in Salamanca: Language and Area Studies - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Salamanca

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  Spanish

SSA Education Abroad Liberal Arts in Spanish in Seville  - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Seville

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  Spanish

SSA Education Abroad Liberal Arts in English in Seville  - by petition only; consult the McCulloch Center

City: Seville

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

CIEE Liberal Arts Program - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Seville

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  Spanish

CIEE Advanced Liberal Arts Program - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Seville

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  Spanish

CIEE Communications, New Media, and Journalism Spanish - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Seville

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  Spanish

CIEE Global Architecture + Design* - Laurel Preferred Program
*Approved for Architectural Studies majors only

City: Barcelona

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English, Spanish

University of Virginia in Valencia - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Valencia

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  Spanish


DIS Stockholm - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Stockholm

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

The Swedish Program - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Stockholm

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English


Joint BA/MA Program in Geneva - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Geneva

Period of Study:  multi-year commitment

Language:  English & French

SIT Program in International Studies and Multilateral Diplomacy - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Geneva

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English 

Smith College Program in Geneva - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Geneva

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English & French


Advanced Studies in England - Laurel Preferred Program

Internship & courses can count toward the Museums, Archives & Public History or Educational Policy & Practice Nexus! See Nexus & Study Abroad for more information.

City: Bath, England

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

Glasgow School of Art

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Glasgow, Scotland

Period of Study:  spring or year 

Language:  English

King's College London

Apply direct  - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: London, England

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

London School of Economics

Apply direct  - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: London, England

Period of Studyyear

Language:  English

Oxford University

There are multiple options for applying to the various colleges at Oxford University:

Apply through MHC to St. Anne's College - not Laurel Preferred Program 

Apply direct to other Oxford colleges - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Middlebury College-CMRS Oxford Humanities Program - not Laurel Preferred Program

*For all Oxford options except Middlebury, fall requires participation in a September pre-sessional 

See our Oxford University page for information about study abroad at Oxford, its unique academic system, eligiblity, early application deadline and cost.

City: Oxford, England

Period of Study:  fall, spring or year

Language:  English

Cambridge University, Pembroke College

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply direct to Pembroke College - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Cambridge, England

Period of Study:  year (preferred) or spring

Language:  English

Queen Mary University of London

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: London, England

Period of Studyfall, spring or year

Language:  English

Queen's University, Belfast

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Belfast, Northern Ireland

Period of Studyfall, spring or year

Language:  English

Royal Holloway, University of London

Apply for MHC Exchange  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Egham, England

Period of Studyfall, spring or year

Language:  English

Sarah Lawrence London Theatre Program - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: London, England

Period of Study:  year

Language:  English

SOAS University of London

Apply direct  - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: London, England

Period of Studyfall, spring or year

Language:  English

University College London

Apply direct  - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: London, England

Period of Studyfall, spring or year

Language:  English

University of Edinburgh

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Edinburgh, Scotland

Period of Studyfall, spring or year

Language:  English

University of Essex

Apply for MHC Exchange  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

City: Colchester, England

Period of Studyspring or year

Language:  English

University of Glasgow

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Glasgow, Scotland

Period of Studyfall, spring or year

Language:  English

University of Kent

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Canterbury, England

Period of Studyfall, spring or year

Language:  English

University of St. Andrews

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: St. Andrews, Scotland

Period of Studyfall, spring or year

Language:  English

University of Sussex

Apply for MHC Exchange  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: Brighton, England

Period of Studyfall, spring or year

Language:  English

University of York

Apply for MHC Exchange  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply direct  - Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through Arcadia University - not Laurel Preferred Program

Apply through IFSA - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: York, England

Period of Studyspring or year

Language:  English

Pittsburgh-London Film Program - not Laurel Preferred Program

City: London, England

Period of Study:  fall or spring

Language:  English