In Case of Emergency

In Case of Emergency

Before your departure, share with your family and friends the contact information for Mount Holyoke College's McCulloch Center for Global Initiatives and for your abroad program.  Know how to place  international calls to program support staff and home.

When calling the United States from out of the country, the exit code (or international access code) is: 001

When calling another country from the United States, the exit code is: 011 

To call other countries, you will need to know both the exit code and the country codes. You can use the How to Call Abroad website to determine how to make phone calls to and from all countries. 


To Contact Mount Holyoke in the Event of an Emergency

McCulloch Center for Global Initiatives (Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm EST):  001 413 538 2072

For After-Hour Emergencies

Public Safety & Service: 001 413 538 2304

Resources for Survivors of Sexual Assault Studying Abroad

If you are a survivor of sexual misconduct that occurred abroad, what happened to you was not your fault. The College's commitment to fostering an environment free from gender based or sexual misconduct to all students studying abroad. There are both confidential and private resources available to you, please visit the College's DEI webpage for more information.