MHC UK Exchanges

Mount Holyoke College has reciprocal exchange agreements with the following UK universities:

Term Dates/Periods of Study


Exchange Requirements


Financial Arrangements

Exchange student pays MHC tuition; the UK university waives its tuition

Exchange student pays the UK university directly for room fees, and is also responsible for their own meals

Laurel Fellowship guaranteed (though number of exchange slots is limited)

Financial aid award will be based on total budget, including MHC tuition, MHC administrative fee for study abroad, and allowances toward room, meals, books, personal expenses, and round-trip airfare.

How to Apply for a UK exchange

Submit Mount Holyoke’s Request to Study Abroad and check the Laurel Fellowship box in my.mountohlyoke according to the instructions on the deadlines page; applications are ordinarily due in late November (for fall) or late March (for spring) 

Students will be notified by early February whether they have been selected for the exchange for fall, by early May for spring

Exchange nominees will complete the UK university’s on-line application for admission; students must also be accepted by the respective UK university