Minding Morale

Discussion Date: 11/28/17

Reflection Prompts

  • How is your own morale at this point in the semester? In what ways does your morale affect your schoolwork? In what ways does it affect your interactions with your PEBLs?
  • What factors tend to affect your moral when you are in class? In lab? Doing your homework?
  • What are some of the strategies you've learned for improving your own morale? Are there any things that other people can do to help?

Potential Discussion Prompts

  • In general, how is PEBL morale at the moment? How much of their morale do you think is the product of external factors and how much is the product of their attitude toward the class and their work?
  • What are some things you could realistically do to help motivate your PEBLs and encourage them to stay positive as they push through to the end of the semester?
  • How have your PEBL interactions affecting your own morale?