Effective Feedback

Discussion Date: 10/31/17

Effective Feedback.pdf

Reflection Prompts

  • Think about moments when you found it difficult to hear feedback on your own work. Why do you think it was challenging? How did it make you feel? Was there a way that the person giving feedback could have delivered the same content in a way that would have been easier for you to hear?
  • Think about moments when you found feedback on your own work to be motivating. Which aspects of the feedback hit home? How did they make you feel? Do you think the feedback changed your approach to that particular skill/topic?

Potential Discussion Prompts

  • What are some feedback strategies that you have found to be effective with your PEBLs so far? Why do you think they've been effective?
  • Have you tried any feedback strategies that were not effective or even had the opposite effect of what you had intended? Why do you think they didn't work as well?
  • What have been the most challenging situations for giving feedback to your PEBLs?