The purpose of the MSVMA Partner Program is to not only connect and support ALL teachers, but especially those new to the field or to their role. In a collaborative effort, we utilize the expertise of seasoned teachers who have a desire to come alongside an assigned mentee. We are here to connect both mentees and mentors alike.
The MSVMA Partner Program is designed to match participants based on grade level, specialty, and/or specific needs. Participants will be asked to fill out a comprehensive survey to determine the best partnership.
Our goal is to:
Recruit and develop choral music partnerships across the state
Support teachers new to the field or their role
Provide educational resources for all MSVMA members
Establish social and emotional supports for teachers
Bridge any gaps from Undergraduate choral studies to real-world teaching practice
Create a forum for communication and discussion
An effective partnership requires that all involved parties are committed. MSVMA will provide a framework and numerous resources to support this partnership, but ultimately the partners are responsible for establishing rapport and relationship.