My Media Consumption

My Media Consumption


It is safe to say media consumption is an integral part of my daily life. On a personal level, I scroll through Facebook multiple times a day, binge watch shows on Netflix, and constantly explore websites. Professionally, I am active on Twitter connecting with fellow educators, utilizing G Suite applications and educational technology tools with my students, and listening to educational podcasts. In my life, media is as frequent as sleep, which is an astounding reality.

After spending time reflecting on my media usage, I recognize the significant role my affinity spaces play in my life. An affinity space is a place where people join together because of a shared interest (Gee, 2018). My Twitter is a prime example of this. I joined Twitter as a way to connect with teachers in the educational technology field. I wanted to create my own professional learning network, filled with people who viewed technology in the classroom the same way I did. After I spent time looking through my “following” list, it became evident it lacked diversity in thought and organization. Essentially, everyone was an educator with a strong interest in technology and Google certified. I am a Google girl all the way, which is why I surrounded myself with other G Suite enthusiasts.

To broaden my media and break my filter bubble (Pariser, 2011), I went back to Twitter to follow new voices. This includes no homework advocates, people who represent other edtech platforms (Microsoft and Apple), and parent organizations (National PTA) to understand their perspectives on our educational system. I also decided to follow the NWEA and PARCC ELC to understand their viewpoints on standardized testing since most of my Twitter feed is not supportive. I realize now, in order to surround myself with diversity of thought, I need to actively pursue it.


Gee, P. (2018, February 26). Affinity spaces: How young people live and learn online and out of school. Phi Delta Kappan.

Pariser. E. [TED Talks] (2011, May 2). Beware Online Filter Bubbles [Video]. YouTube. v=B8ofWFx525s
Lukeyd. (2015. September 15) Social media Twitter gif. Giphy.
Mashable (2014. September 26) Social media gif. Giphy.