Swinging Into Something New

Swinging Into Something New

May 31, 2020

Beautifully kept fairways and greenery. Sunshine and fresh air. Time with family, friends, and cold beverages. Sounds amazing, right? When asked recently to choose one new thing to learn, I did not even hesitate. It would be golf.

Golf has many positive attributes. It offers longevity (great for someone like me who loves sports) and can be played well into the senior years. It also provides bonding experiences with family and friends, beautiful and challenging courses, all in the great outdoors. There are so many reasons why I should learn how to play. But where to begin?

Learning a new sport can be overwhelming. I decided to focus on the basics; the golf swing. I turned to YouTube's Golf Swing Made Simple to watch “how to” videos and discovered a golf affinity space for my first lessons on Reddit's How to Play Golf. An affinity space is a place where people with a shared interest come together (Gee, 2017). I did some reading and watched videos demonstrating a golf swing. After perusing YouTube and Reddit, it was time to get my feet wet, go outside, and start swinging away.

The sources I found were undoubtedly valuable. The instructional videos were clear and easy to understand. I did, however, have to go back several times to rewatch the clips while practicing. For this task, I do believe it would have been beneficial to have a person there to coach me along. Nonetheless, the sources used helped me grasp the golf swing basics, including grip, aiming, and positioning. This is just the beginning and I still have a lot to learn. I am looking forward to continuing my golf swing journey!

Getting ready to swing!

Practicing first swing!


Gee, J.P. (2017). Affinity Spaces and 21st Century Learning. Educational Technology,

Naglik, M. (2020). Getting ready to swing [Photograph].

Naglik, M. (2020). Practicing first swing [Photograph].

Naglik, M. (2020, May 30). My first practice swing. [Video] YouTube.

Tee Off Hole In One [Giphy]. (2019). https://gph.is/g/apzKzy4