Exploring My Professional Learning Network

Exploring My Professional Learning Network

May 31, 2020

I understand the importance of fostering a growth mindset. A growth mindset is the belief that a person's abilities can be improved over time (“Growth Mindset,” n.d.). To strengthen my professional growth mindset, I turn to my professional learning network, or PLN. A PLN is a network teachers create from which to learn and share ideas with others (Common Sense video).

I spent time recently reflecting on my own PLN. Where do I go for information? What are its strengths and weaknesses? The mind map below summarizes my personal learning networks.

Unquestionably, one of my PLN strengths is the significant role social media plays in my professional life. I often turned to Twitter and Facebook to acquire creative teaching ideas. I follow numerous educators and organizations that focus on my passions in education: social studies and educational technology. In utilizing these platforms, I have been able to build a community of educators that is customized to what I want and need to learn (Common Sense Education, 2017). Even though social media is a strength, it needed to be expanded. To broaden my Twitter PLN, I participated in a #DitchBook Twitter chat. I interacted with educators, shared favorite educational books and podcasts, and followed new people. The #DitchBook PLN is a fantastic network of educators, and I am excited to continue participating in future Twitter chats.

When I looked closely at my PLN mind map, I recognized there are weaknesses. The places I go to for information tend to be within my comfort zone. I must force myself to widen my networks, fight my filters, and connect with people who are different from me (Melon, 2018). In order to surround myself with diversity of thought, I plan to actively pursue it.


Common Sense Education. (2017, July 21). What’s a PLN? And 3 ways teachers can get

Melon, T. (2018, March 8). The secret to great opportunities? The person you haven't met

What is a growth mindset? (n.d.). Psychology Today. Retrieved May 27, 2020 from