Experiential Module

Master's Project for the MA in Foreign Language Teaching

Planning for Proficiency: an online course for teachers

Planning for Proficiency is an online course that serves as a guide for teachers to create their own units using the principles of proficiency-based teaching and backwards design.

Teachers can use the site to learn about the background of these principles, experience a guided planning process, get a walk-through of my own planning process or just use the templates to create backwards-designed, proficiency-based units.

The self-paced, asynchronous course is ideal for teachers to access as individuals or as a department.

Materials from My Experiential Module

EM Handout

Online Course

Go to Online Course.

I researched, planned and developed an online course for teachers that guides the reader through the process of designing a proficiency-based unit using backwards design. The course is available to review and work through asynchronously.

EM Project Rationale

Go to Rationale.

In this rationale paper, I explain how this project came to be, the research informing it and how I decided to design the project to achieve my goals.

Materials for Teachers and Learners

Go to Materials .

You will find sample videos and webpages as well as links to the blank planning templates. These templates are meant to be used as you progress through the online course or after you've completed the online course.

Experiential Module Reflective Essay

Summer 2022

FLT885_Reflective Essay Final Cheezum