
Corpus Resource

Susan Tu

There are many tools (Voyant, AntConc, Corpus BYU, TagAnt, AntWordProfiler ) for teachers to use for the corpus. The overall concept is helping teachers to get the frequency words from the tex for the target language teaching. These tools could help teachers with a good understanding of how to choose effective content for learners.

Wiktionary Frequency Lists is a resource for a language teacher to have a basic knowledge of teaching the frequency words in the target language.

Antprofilter tool provides users to input text and sees the levels of the frequency words.It provides different color levels (red-green-blue-black ) from high frequency to less common use .

Voyant tool is a clear and easy tool for users to analyze a text. If you need to check the frequency content words, cirrus and terms bottoms indicate the frequency words clearly.

AntConc tool is for users to check the frequency word list; In addition, it provides much clear frequency phrases than Voyant tool .

Corpus. byu (iweb Tool)

When I typed a word of “ extreme” for the quiz by BYU corpora, I clicked the iweb ( ) and found this is a cool tool to recommend teachers to check it out. In iWeb , you could check which tense you want to see the results. It will show the rank and frequency.

There are many links (audio , image, video, and language bar ) you could choose from a specific word). It is a great tool for teachers to provide many different speech samples from the videos which are extract by the specific word you need.

Analyze different tense for each word.