Project Awards Junior

Macomb County 4-H Project Awards Juniors

How to Apply

 The Macomb 4-H Project Awards are designed to provide 4-H members with recognition for their project achievements. Project Awards are given to signify a job well done, encourage youth to strive for more, and to reward youth for successfully overcoming obstacles along the way. Effort, willingness to learn, and personal growth experiences are considered desirable qualities for projects. Youth must complete the following application in full to be eligible. 

Age Requirements

Any 4-H member between 4-H ages 11-15 who has completed at least two (2) years in the project area (this year plus one consecutive or non-consecutive year) is eligible to apply for a project award. 

Delegates Receive

Up to five (5) delegates will be selected for each project area. All delegates will be recognized at the awards and recognition event. Each delegate will receive a certificate of recognition.

Awardee Receives

One (1) award winner will be selected per project area from the delegates. The awardee will be recognized at the awards and recognition event and will receive a certificate of recognition, project pin and cash award. 


Application Instructions

Sections for scoring are as follows (Scoring Rubric can be found here:)