Assessment Evidence

I am a leader in assessment design and well-trained in interpreting and applying Advanced Placement and ACTFL performance descriptors and proficiency guidelines in my classes. Since 2020, I have served as one of two high school teachers in the U.S. on the AP Italian Exam Development Committee for the College Board. In this role, I work with a team of assessment specialists and university professors to develop test stimuli, free-response, and multiple-choice items for the AP exam. Recently, I have been promoted to Co-Chair of the Committee, and begin my term in July 2022.

Through my MAFLT Assessment coursework and over my first six years in the classroom, I have developed my skills in assessing student proficiency and eliciting reliable samples of writing and speaking. Below, find a sample multimodal assessment that I developed in the MAFLT Assessment course, and an accompanying rationale. This particular assessment was implemented in an Advanced Placement Course, during a thematic unit on environmental challenges.



