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What does your Network Look Like?

September 27,2020

This week, I learned about my professional learning network (PLN). A PLN is any network that you create to learn from and share with others (Common Sense Education, 2017). This network comes from the people you interact with and the internet. I found my PLN through social media, Michigan State, school and family. To learn about my PLN, I used an interactive mind map tool called Coggle. Coggle allows anyone to create and share mind maps. It allowed me to understand where my PLN comes from.

As I created my map, I thought about the people I know. I receive information from my workplace, Michigan State, professional development, family and social media. These networks allow me to engage in content that gives new tips and tricks to try in the classroom. While making my map, I realized the amount of supports that are in my network is endless. I can reach out to any of the branches at any time to share ideas.

Using this tool, led me to believe there is always room for improvement. I would like to improve my use of some supports in my PLN. I will do this by participating in more Twitter chats to connect with educators around the world. Using my networks, I learn much through others sharing content. It gives me the opportunity to explore and use these resources the very next day.

My PLN is about the connections I have. To grow my network, I will reach out to other colleagues to share resources and participate in Twitter chats to talk with other educators. I hope to maintain and continue to grow the relationships that I have formed through my PLN.

References: Common Sense Education. (2017, July 21). What's a PLN? And 3 ways teachers can get connected [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ju54C5A3RCw&feature=emb_logoSmith, J.E. (2020, September 27). Jacklyn Smith's Professional Learning Network. In Coggle. Retrieved from https://coggle.it/diagram/X2pk4fnQHDeHiY52/t/jacklyn-smith's-professional-learning-network