Miss Smith's Blog Spot

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Image credit: Empics Sports (2015), David Luiz celebrates wildly after sending the game into extra time with a bullet header at Stamford Bridge [visual graphic]. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2990663/David-Luiz-says-sorry-celebrating-scoring-vital-goal-against-old-club-Chelsea.html

Meetings and Classes, Oh My!

September 3, 2020

Today, at a Zoom meeting, someone said, “I’m fired up!”. When I heard this, I immediately thought of everything that fires me up. I thought of working out, baking, coloring, and taking a hike. However, this week I have been fired up about the start of a new school year, with a new grade level, and starting my Master of Arts in Educational Technology.

During my first week in my Masters, I got to try a new skill using FlipGrid. FlipGrid is a great tool that allows the user to create a video of themselves. Teachers can assign FlipGrid videos to their students to make videos related to the subject they are teaching. This week, I learned how to record a video. It was a bit tricky getting the right software to work (NOT SAFARI FRIENDLY), but six takes later I was able to make a great video. In the future, I am excited to learn how to use the effects feature in FlipGrid. I hope to use this with my second grade students as I teach them to use various tools online.

Moving forward, I hope to keep this energy of being fired up. This week had its challenges with making a website such as moving images and learning how to create tabs, but I powered through. For the next few months, I will be sitting at a computer, but with that comes learning new things and developing new skills as I progress through my Master's program. Within the next eight weeks, I hope to find value in exploring educational technology and how I can creatively use it. Whatever life throws at me, I will keep moving forward.