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Computers, Pies, a Blog For your Eyes

September 27, 2020

One of my passions is baking. I love being able to try new foods and make them on my own. Today, I had the luxury of baking one of America’s favorites, an apple pie, for my Network Learning Project. When I thought about doing this project, I thought about the holidays in fall where pie is involved such as Thanksgiving and thought why not learn now.

To start this yummy project, I started my search on Reddit.com. Reddit is an affinity space where people can post pictures and comments. My first search led me to [Homemade] Caramel apple pie. This led to a great visual of what my end product would look like, however there was no recipe. Then, I stumbled upon Anyone know any apple pie recipes that are guaranteed to work. This answered my question and directly led me to my next two resources.

According to Bransford et al. (2000), experts acquire a great deal of content knowledge that shows a deeper understanding of the subject matter. I aspire to soon have the knowledge to be an expert in pie baking. Making a pie sounded like a fun idea. However, I am beyond frustrated with the process of making the crust. On my first attempt to make the crust, I realized that the dough did not seem to be right consistency as it was VERY buttery. On the second attempt, I injured my finger and had luckily saved the dough of my blood. Making the pie filling went well as I followed Natasha’s Kitchen, step by step through the video. Genuinely, I was interested in the pie filling I made over the stove, as it gives a caramel taste. I am excited to continue learning how to bake a pie. Stay tuned for my next pie!

References: Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L., & Cocking, R.R. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, Experience, and school. National Academy Press. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?isbn=0309070368Smith, J. E., "Apples" [Image] 27 September 2020Smith, J. E., " Apple Pie" [Image] 27 September 2020Smith, J. E., "Peeled Apples" [Image] 27 September 2020Smith, J. E., "Pie Filling" [Image] 27 September 2020Smith, J. E., "Pie Filling with Apples" [Image] 27 September 2020Smith, J. E., "Rolling the Dough" [Image] 27 September 2020

Take a look below for some of the process!