Structure Your Day & Build in Healthy Routines

  • Create a schedule and daily rhythm (for you and your children) that include consistent times for waking, dressing (yes, do get out of pajamas each day☺) working, eating, exercising, bedtime, etc.
  • Take breaks to breath, stretch, go outside and get fresh air, or even go for a short walk. Mindful breathing and movement are essential to our well-being.
  • Drink a lot of water, minimize caffeine intake, and eat healthy meals and snacks.
  • Minimize the news and stick only to facts (control what your children are seeing and hearing).
  • Minimize screen time for yourself and your children - outside of work and school.
  • If you are facilitating video-meetings or video-instruction, create a consistent structure to provide predictability for the participants as well as yourself. You may want to consider including these “Signature Practices” from CASEL - Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning:
  1. Start with welcoming and inclusion activities.
  2. Practice a quick regulation or community building routine (examples: mindful breathing exercise; share two words that describe how you are feeling right now)
  3. Review norms (“Rules of Engagement” / “Netiquette”)
  4. Review agenda and objectives
  5. Use engaging strategies for instruction or /info dissemination; include brain breaks and transition routines.
  6. End with an optimistic closure (something inspirational that connects everyone to something big or meaningful - or funny; or each shares a gratitude, accolade, or intention)