Prioritize Relationships

  • Families always come first - do what you need to do to make your children feel safe, secure, confident, hopeful, and loved.
  • Communicate and stay connected with colleagues, extended family, and friends. “Distancing” in these times is about being physically separated, not emotionally isolated. We need to find creative ways to stay emotionally and socially connected.
  • Pause, appreciate, and share the moments of pleasure that come from family, friends, nature, art, music, food, etc.
  • Be present. “Show up” with intention, warmth, confidence, and curiosity.
  • Say “thank you” and “I’m sorry” often. Be easy on yourself and keep in mind that we all make mistakes with one another everyday (unintentionally saying or doing something that hurts or offends someone), but this is even more so in times of severe stress or crisis. After you’ve asked for someone’s forgiveness, don’t forget to forgive yourself. This is a time to be easier on ourselves, not harder.