Digital Tools for Connecting & Learning

You can find a variety of digital tools on this page that you can use for connecting, communicating, creation, assessment and more!

Click on each button to explore resources and tutorials for each digital tool.

Start with Flipgrid!

Flipgrid is a great starting point for connecting & communicating asynchronously with your kids through video! Intuitive, lots of already created content across all subject areas and grade levels. A great choice for your learning grid!

Next, try one of these....

Record your screen to create tutorial videos for your students.

Delivering video content with built in assessments. Drop in a video from Youtube, Vimeo, Khan Academy, etc and add stopping points for students to answer questions.

Tool that allows students to annotate on PDF's

Create interactive Slide Presentations within Google Slides. A great combo with Zoom or share link for students to complete at their own pace.

Ready to Explore More?

Increase Engagement with Digital Games For Learning

Digital Escape Room-Style Games aligned to content standards

Digital review game platform. Find a game share the link and have students play at home.

Digital review game platform. Create an assignment, share, and have students play at home.

Digital review game platform

Looking for More Ways to Get Your Student's Creating?

Try These Digital Creation Tools!

Create & share visual representations of content, across grade, age and learning levels

Creation of infographic, posters, book covers, etc.

Create digital books

Creation of infographics, posters, book covers, curating and video creation. A great way for students to demonstrate their learning in creative ways.

Do you have resources to add or other digital assessment tools that you love? Click on button below and add to our collection!