Student and Parent Resources

Parental Tech Tips

Below you will find a document that shares some helpful parenting tips when it comes to students using technology. They are by no means comprehensive, but are given as a good place to start. Each family and that family's situation is different. You as the parent decide what is best for you and your child.

Parenting Tech Tips

How to check your student email account:

  • Login to your student account:
  • You must be logged into your Chromebook, with your username and password
  • Remember, your username is generally like this:

That is, your last name, followed by your first initial, then your middle initial. However, for some students with common last names, more than one initial or some numbers may be used. If you are unsure, please contact your building tech lead, or or

Once you are logged into your machine, you just simply open Chrome, click on the waffle in the top right hand corner, and choose Gmail

For Mahomet-Seymour High School and Junior High's 1:1 technology program, we have chosen Google Classroom as our learning management system, an online portal that allows for faster and more efficient work flow between teachers and students.

Classroom helps teachers create and organize assignments quickly, provide feedback efficiently, and easily communicate with their classes. Classroom helps students organize their work in Google Drive, complete and turn it in, and communicate directly with their teachers and peers.

Check grades and other school information anytime by getting the Skyward App on your mobile device.

We are in the process of aligning the naming conventions for student Skyward logins. Students can check their own grades and receive messages through Skyward. You can also get the Skyward app on the Google Play Store and App Store. Download it today!

Skyward Student

These kids really know how to publish helpful 1:1 Chromebook videos. This will certainly help students and parents understand the Chromebook and Google Apps that students will use for instructional purposes.

Parents and Students: Check out this super-bubbly walk-through provided by Google for Google Classroom. It can move pretty quickly. Feel free to pause and review at anytime.

Previous Presentations for Parents

Personal Device Parent Information Night

The Google Slide presentation on the left was presented at the parent informational nights on April 30th and May 1st of 2018 at the Mahomet-Seymour High School Auditorium.

Benefits of 1:1 in the Classroom

This presentation was created by MSJH teachers for 6-12 curriculum night. It includes quotes and thoughts from both teachers and students as to the impact of the 1:1 initiative.

MSCUSD 3 Technology

In response to a parent, teacher, and student survey, some policies were changed. All changes are outlined in the presentation on the left.

Current Security Measures and Filters Keeping Students Safe!

Securly Security System

GoGuardian Security System