Personal Device Initiative Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Why Personal Devices (1:1 computing)?

The purpose of a Personal Device Initiative (1:1 Program) is to prepare students for their future: a global digital world where they will be expected to use information and technology to create, examine, explore, communicate and collaborate. Students will leverage mobile computing at school and at home for their coursework, research, and collaboration. Integration of technology in the classroom expands the possibilities of teaching and learning.

2. How will this help my child as a student?

Integrating technology into the classroom will extend the learning experience beyond the confines of the classroom by leveraging technology to solve problems, gather and evaluate information, and disseminate work efficiently. One-to-one computing facilitates student focus and attentiveness in class through learning that is either self-paced and individualized or collaborative and cooperative.

3. Will this eliminate the personal touch of teaching?

Not at all! Our goal is to have the students equipped with a tool that increases engagement and achievement, and individualizes student’s learning experiences. Teachers recognize that technology integration is only one of the many tools they can and should utilize in the design and implementation of lessons. The relationship between teacher and student is an important one and will not be replaced by the use of computers in the classroom.

4. Will having computers make the students isolated?

Studies show that students involved in one-to-one computing programs increase communication with teachers and other students. They also increase their teamwork skills. The computers also lend themselves to enhancing projects done as a group.

5. Will computers in the classroom be distracting?

Computers are a tool that must be managed, just like pen and paper. The teacher is in control of the class and at any time can tell students to put down their pens or close the screens in order to have their full attention.

6. Will this enable cheating or plagiarism?

Cheating and plagiarism are always considered very serious offenses and are dealt with according to the Student Handbook. MSCUSD will continue to help students understand and apply responsible and ethical standards in their work.

7. What is included?

A Chromebook, AC adapter/power supply

8. What happens if the computer does not work or is accidentally damaged?

MSCUSD #3 will handle hardware and software support for these devices. Students should bring their broken devices to (Technology Help Desk) for repair. Students will be given a loaner while their device is being repaired. Please refer to the Chromebook Replacement Document for details on the disposition of lost, damaged, and stolen devices.

9. What should I do if the computer is lost or stolen?

If loss or theft occurs at school, the student should immediately contact the principal's office. If a loss or theft takes place off of school property, in addition to reporting the theft to the principal, the student and his/her parent/guardian are responsible for immediately contacting the local authorities, filing the appropriate police report, and obtaining a copy of the police report.

10. Can I modify or upgrade the computer?

Hardware upgrades or modifications to the computer are prohibited including, but not limited to, additional memory or hard drive upgrades. Should modifications be made to the computer, such modifications will become the property of MSCUSD #3.

11. Who will own the computer?

MSCUSD #3. The student will have the right to possess and use the device during their continuing active enrollment in Mahomet-Seymour schools . The device must be returned if the student stops attending school in Mahomet or has his or her technology rights suspended or terminated.

12. What are my responsibilities?

Participation in the MSCUSD#3 1:1 program is a privilege that also brings great responsibility. The responsibilities are outlined in the District’s Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”). Students and their families are responsible for keeping the computer safe and in working order and your network credentials secure. DO NOT share your network username and password with others. Parents/guardians must remember that while the primary function of the computer is school work and students may be expected to complete homework on the computer in your home, YOUR rules apply to this computer. You are responsible for setting expectations and limitations for use at home. Families should discuss appropriate and inappropriate websites, online safety, and how to best monitor student use at home. We will discuss these topics more at the computer pick up.

13. Is there filtering on Chromebooks?

MSCUSD#3 provides basic filtering of inappropriate content on all Chromebooks both in and out of the school. Filtering levels will be identical at home and at school. For families that want additional security at home, there are several suggestions. AT&T Parent Filter, Frontier Communications, MediaCom and/or Comcast Parent offer home solutions for their subscribers. In addition, OpenDNS is a free home filtering option that can work on any device you use. These are just suggestions and MSCUSD#3 does not provide support for the additional filtering outside of the district provided filters.

14. What are acceptable uses of this and all technology?

The acceptable uses are also outlined in the Acceptable Use Policy Document (AUP) that all parents and students must electronically sign during online registration before being issued a Chromebook.

15. What happens if the student breaks the rules relating to the 1:1 program?

The student may be subject to discipline under the MSCUSD#3 Student Handbook and other actions, including criminal and civil legal action, as deemed appropriate by the principal, superintendent or board of education.

16. Can my child bring the computer home at night and on weekends?

Yes. The computer is for the student’s use at school and home. The student must follow all rules regarding use whether at school or at home.

17. How will the computer connect to the school’s wireless network?

The computer has a built-in wireless networking card that will connect to MSCUSD's secure wireless network. Additionally, students can check out mobile hotspots from the library whenever they do not have Internet access at home.

18. How will the computer connect to home networks?

Computers can connect to standard wireless networks at home if they are available. If necessary, please contact your internet service provider for assistance with logging on at home. Note that if neighbors have networks that are unsecured, students may be able to log onto those networks at home even if the family does not have a wireless network of its own. Parents are expected to supervise their children’s uses of the internet at home, and are on notice that MSCUSD will not be liable for any use of 1:1 hardware or software at home.

19. What about battery life?

The computer has a primary battery that has an expected life of seven hours. Students are required to plug in their computers each night so that they will have fully charged batteries for the next school day.

20. Do my student and I have any privacy with materials accessed by or created on the computer?

No. The district may monitor, record, and document use of the computer and other property to the extent allowed by law. Students should not believe that just because they access or create materials at home or off school property that they have any privacy. MSCUSD, as the owner of the computer and other property, has a right to access it and record it at any time and any place for legitimate, legal purposes, and the district reserves the right to do so as it deems necessary.

21. Where do I go if I need help with the computer?

The Technology Help Desk will be open before, during, and after school, on school days.

22. Can you help me setup my home printer, wireless, network connection, etc.?

No. We cannot be responsible for support for any devices or networks outside of the school. You may want to call a local fee-for-service tech support company for assistance with home tech services.

23. How will my child learn to use the computer?

All students must attend a basic training session to pick up the computer. Students will log in and learn the basic functionality of the computer and its software. For any other questions on teaching and learning with technology, please contact: Jared Lynn at jlynn@mscusd.org

24. What if my student forgets her/his Chromebook or forgets to charge it?

Your student will have the option of picking up a loaner device every morning and dropping it off at the end of the day.

25. What is the maximum liability if the device is damaged, lost or stolen?

We are not offering insurance for this program. However, if the device is damaged or lost, we will consider the circumstances of the event and make a judgment at that time about liability. If the device is stolen outside of school, the family should file a police report. Again, we will make a judgment at that time about culpability.

26. Are the devices students are taking home equipped with cameras and microphones?

Yes, both. However, the security software installed on the Chromebooks does not allow for the remote activation of the camera or microphone.

27. Does MSCUSD have the right to access these devices and record at any time and any place?

Yes. According to our policy we do have that right. However, we have never enabled these devices for the purposes of remote monitoring and have no plans to do so, except in cases where it is deemed necessary.

"Remote Monitoring" refers to the ability of GoGuardian and Securly to capture screen shots (through software, not through webcams) of internet sites visited as well as capturing browsing history. Federal law, CIPA, requires school districts to install software or provide a means of filtering Internet traffic for the purposes of student safety. Through GoGuardian and Securly, all traffic is filtered as well as tracked for reporting purposes. For more information about Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA), here is a link from the FCC that discusses requirements and guidelines CIPA

28. Where can my student print her/his assignments at the High School?

Student printing is currently being handled in the High School Library for High School Students. Not all teachers require printed assignments. Students are responsible for determining which teachers require paper copies.

29. What home printers can be used with my student's Chromebook?

Here is a link from Google which lists the printers supported on the Chromebook.