Learning Today

21st Century Learning

According to Power Up, Making the Shift to 1:1 Teaching and Learning, "Students need us to show them how to use technology to learn, evaluate and process information to create, publish and share their productions and to help them see how their digital actions can have a ripple effect, both positive and negative that spread far beyond the classroom. Teachers, by nature of their clientele, need to be futurists and the future is digital; we must prepare our students for that."

21st Century Skills

In moving to personalized learning environment (by providing personal devices to 6th through 12th graders), the goals of the school district are to:

  • Provide the highest quality educational experiences possible.
  • Embed technology into daily practice as tool for learning.
  • Always understand that the teacher, and the quality of that teacher, is one of, if not the most important factor related to learning in a classroom.
  • Transform and redefine learning in our classrooms to reflect the changing world into which our students will emerge after graduation.
  • Not replace the invaluable human relationships that are established in schools, but rather view technology as an enhancement and facilitator of relationships.
  • Teach proper and appropriate use of technological resources, including the limiting of screen time in the educational setting.
  • Personalize learning and provide equitable access to technology.

What's Our Why?

To Educate

21st Century learning is advancing at a rapid rate and the utilization of technology is ubiquitous to our everyday lives. Learning is no longer confined in the classroom. Online resources and applications are available to enhance the learning processes and overlooking these resources would be a disservice to our students and our community. Learning abilities vary and having technology available, such as Chromebooks, will allow students to learn in ways that best suit them. Likewise, teachers will have the ability to accommodate the learning needs of students like never before. At Mahomet-Seymour, we want to ensure that every student is provided with opportunities to excel. The technology we are providing will ensure equity in accessibility to learning resources for all of our students.

To Inspire

Over the years, both students and teachers have inspired one another in various educational and extracurricular activities at Mahomet-Seymour Junior and Senior High Schools. Our one-to-one program will add another layer of inspiration. The endless possibilities of what teachers and students can do to enhance their creativity is inspiration in itself. Students will be able to produce and reproduce what they have learned in innovative ways. Teachers will be able to provide students with advanced interactive approaches to learning. With this resource, students will be inspired to go above and beyond the learning approaches that they are traditionally accustomed to.