Our Continuing Journey Towards Personal Devices for Students
As we begin our Personal Devices Journey at the Junior High and High School, we will begin to post helpful videos, articles and agreements for parents, students and teachers to reference. We hope you find them informative and helpful. Hang in there, hold on and enjoy the ride.
Google even started its own Youtube channel for how to videos.
In 2018-2019 Mahomet-Seymour School District launched its 1:1 Chromebook Program, which provides every student at the Junior High and High School with a school-owned Chromebook computer not only to use in class but also to take home.
In 2020-2021, students in both Middletown Prairie and Lincoln Trail will have personal devices available in their classes. Kindergarten students will utilize touch technology with Chromebook tablets, and students in grades 1-5 will have Chromebooks in their classrooms.
Our goal is to prepare students for their future: a global, digital world where they will be expected to use information and technology to create, examine, explore, communicate, and collaborate. Technology in the classroom helps students solve problems, gather and evaluate information, and disseminate work efficiently, through learning that is either self-paced and individualized or collaborative and cooperative. Using technology in the classroom expands the possibilities of teaching and learning.
Using 1:1 technology is the first step in enabling our students to become responsible, productive, and innovative lifelong learners.
Learning Has Gone Google!
Check out this cool new video from Google for Education. This is how we learn!