March 2018

Greetings From the Executive Director...

I am writing this column on the first day of spring and the snow outside is not visually signaling that change of season. What are signs that signal to you that spring is coming? For me, it is the smell of rain in the air, the visual of seeing green grass, and from a professional point of view, Budget Season.

The Budget Tie Out process is a busy time for our department as we simultaneously work on our budget and assist all 76 programs and schools on their special education budgets. It is a team effort and I would like to personally thank the Directors, Managers, our Accounting Team, and Cheryl Blood.

Over the past several months, we have heard the Superintendent share that there would be no department or school that would not feel the impact of the budget cuts this year. I want to share the values that were used to make budget cuts in the Special Education Department:

  • Does it provide direct service to students?
  • Does it affect services to students?
  • Does it align with the Superintendent priorities?
  • Does it align with the Associate Superintendent Portfolio Model?
  • Can we share resources with other departments?
  • What can we do differently?

In an effort to reduce the budget by 6%, the special education department made reductions in non-salary allocations and salary positions. It is difficult for me to share with you the salary and non-salary allocations that we had to cut for the 2018-2019 school year.

The reductions in non-salary allocations include:

  • Reductions in PIC budget to buy interventions and curriculum
  • Reduction in PD budget
  • Reduction in additional SEA allocations

The reductions in our salary positions include:

  • Special Education Director
  • DPF positions
  • Clerical Positions
  • Support Position for SEAs
  • Reductions in Related Services
  • 3.0 MTSS School Psychology Pilot positions
  • Reduced time for Special Ed/ELL positons
  • Qcomp supported positions

I want to be respectful in not disclosing the names of affected staff, as they are each processing the news. The affected staff are people that we work next to every day and do incredible work for our students, families, communities and staff.

With such deep cuts in our department, it is clear that all of our work will change. In the next few months we will be discussing these changes and how the changes will affect the structure and roles within our department. Once we have made a final decision, we will communicate those changes to you. It is our goal and priority to continue to support our schools who put in tremendous effort and work for MPS students and families.

Thank you and stay MPS Strong as we enter the final months of the school year.

Rochelle Cox - Executive Director of Special Education and Health Services