PIC Corner


Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS) has come to MPS, in the person of Dr. Ross Greene who presented through MACMH at the Ames Center in Burnsville, on January 22nd . Forty MPS special education teachers, psychologists, social workers, DPF’s, and Directors attended the all day workshop, which included the showing of Dr. Greene’s documentary, “The Kids We Lose”, and heard Dr. Greene outline the use of the CPS model when working with children with lagging skills and unsolved problems.

The following day, on January 23rd Dr. Greene spent the day at the Davis Center, working directly with both special education department staff, and later in the day in sessions with 9 school teams that are exploring the use of CPS in their buildings

Dr. Greene left the door open for continued work with MPS including a collaboration with DPF Rebecca Ruddle on a CPS Behavior Intervention Plan, (for posting on his Lives in the Balance website), for possible podcasts working with MPS special ed teachers, and for skyping in to team meetings as buildings create their 8-10 person teams that will work with the CPS model.

Diane Schmitz, Special Ed SEL Lead