Special Education Training Opportunities

Thank you to all who have taken your NCI 4 Hour Refresher during this school year.

There still is time to get your four hour refresher in before the June 30, 2018 deadline. If you don’t complete your refresher before the deadline you will need to attend the initial eight Hour NCI training again this Fall. The training is tracked by school year.

Here are the upcoming training dates:

  • Friday March 30, 2018 (Non Duty Day) - permission is needed for your administrator to attend.
  • Monday April 23, 2018 is a school/student day.

Please check with your administrator before signing up, for coverage purposes.

Monday June 11, 2018 is a day that you're required to work, even though the student calendar was shortened. Eight Hour & Four Hour training opportunities will be offered for all dates.

CPR & First Aid

There will be training opportunites on Monday June 11, 2018 at various locations. SEAs that let their CPR certifications lapse, need to complete this training.

It is important that we are providing the best possible care for our students as well as ourselves.

If you have questions please send me an email: marla.zappa@mpls.k12.mn.us