Year 11 Revision


Welcome to the Year 11 Revision site for students and parents.  

Key contacts at school:

Mr J Curnow (Head of Year 11) - 

Mr D Payne (Head of Upper School) -

Mrs K Frayne (Assistant Principal - Exams and Outcomes) -

Mr R Finch (Vice Principal - Academic) -

Mrs J Robinson (Examinations officer) -

Questions and Answers: 

 Should students be only revising parts of subjects teachers ask them to, or should they be using their initiative and revising other topics too?

We definitely think students should use the revision planning tools on this site to plan extra regular revision.  Small amounts of regular revision on top of their usual homework will be very helpful.

How often are we advised to revise for each night and also how long per subject?

This depends what works for you and should increase as we get nearer to the exams, but 30-60 minutes a day is a good starting point, depending on your homework commitments.  You will need to decide how long to allocate to each subject based on your evaluation of how much work you think you need to do to achieve your target grade. 

What things work best for revision to achieve the best grades?

Please refer to the learning scientists section of this website for strategies we know are effective.  We would also recommend using past papers, revision guides etc to help you implement these techniques.

Is there going to be more revision books that students can access?

There are lots available, please check parentmail as you should be able to order guides for most subjects through us.  They will be cheaper from us as we supply them at cost.

Where is a good place to find past papers with answers? 

Check out the firefly area for your subjects, you may find some there.  You can also go directly to exam board websites and download them.

When will we be provided with up to date predicted grades please?

We never release predicted grades, but will give you updated current performance grades in December and February.

What’s the best way to stay excited about subjects even when it gets stressful in GCSEs?

You need to stay focused and remember that through hard work you will be rewarded with good outcomes.  Focus on where your good grades will get you when you leave MBA. 

If I’m doing revision at home should I be posting that work on seesaw for feedback ?

This would be good practice, but your subject teachers will be able to give you advice about the best way to get feedback on your revision