Why MUN?

Why Model UN?

Context: Model UN is practiced by close to half a million middle, high school and university students around the world each year. It is a popular and engaging way to learn about complex global issues. In a MUN simulation, students assume the role of a diplomat of a foreign country and look at an issue or problem through the lens of their 'adopted' country. Students then work together to forge consensus around a resolution that addresses the issue. It is both highly academic and inherently social, making it a fun way to learn about complex, multi-faceted issues.

Skill Development: Public speaking and debate are most commonly associated with MUN participation, but there are other academic and soft skills that grow through Model UN participation. To successfully participate in MUN delegates must know their issue well, understand multiple perspectives, argue their point of view and be open to compromise. These include highly targeted research, writing policy briefs and resolutions, working towards consensus, active listening, negotiation and advocacy. This skill development occurs while exploring real-world issues like climate change, food security, gender equality and equal access to justice. Participants take deep dives into these content areas while simultaneously developing the skills needed to convey a particular viewpoint and find consensus that drives real solutions.

Action and Impact: Mount Madonna School's MUN program focuses on the ways in which global issues play out in our region. A larger discussion on water scarcity and climate change has very real impacts on agriculture and tourism in the Monterey Bay region. Model UN can drive awareness and action on these issues by pointing students in the direction of key stakeholders and most importantly how they can be involved in actively creating change in their own communities.

MUN in the Monterey Bay Region

Mount Madonna School is committed to growing the MUN community in Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito and Santa Clara countries, and to making this an accessible activity for youth grades 6-12. While several schools in the region have programs, Model UN is largely absent, particularly in Santa Cruz and Monterey countries. In order to facilitate the growth of this community, Mount Madonna School is committed to the following:

Training Conferences: We will host training conferences that help new delegates learn the necessary skills to successfully participate in MUN.

Free MUN Materials: We will provide schools with online materials that can assist students and teachers in their emerging MUN programs.

Online Mentoring: With our partner at MUN Impact, schools can access free, youth-led training sessions on everything from how to research a UN issue to how to start a MUN club at their school.

Annual Conference: We will host a two-day conference each spring for schools in the region, with the eventual goal of having these events be student-run and directed.

Advisory Council: We will foster a community of educators committed to promoting education for sustainability and support of the SDGs. These teachers will meet twice a year to develop a vision for Model UN in the region.