Background: Sharing Green Tech in LDCs

Background Guide: Sharing Green Technology in LDCs (Least Developed Countries)

In order to combat climate change and to help Least Developed Nations grow their economies in sustainable ways, they need to be able to access innovative technologies that cut greenhouses gasses and can meet the energy needs of rapidly growing populations. The ability to access technology, to make the financial investments needed to develop new, less carbon-intensive ways of supporting economic growth, while protecting the intellectual property of companies who have developed these technologies is complicated.

LDCs often argue that they didn't cause the majority of the world's pollution, and insist they should not 'foot the bill' for reducing emissions. LDCs argue that there should be a more equitable way of accessing technologies that both cut emissions and fuel their own growth.

All parties agree that reducing greenhouse gasses is the ultimate goal. How that can be done fairly, cheaply and equitably is where the debate occurs.


  • How can green technologies be made more affordables to LCDs?

  • How can LCDs improve the legal protections for intellectual property shared within their countries?

  • What role does the United Nations play in helping countries access green technologies?

Background Information:

PODCAST: This 8 minute UNCTAD podcast looks at how LDCs are adapting to Climate Challenges. Very informative and easy to understand:

SDG Data Tracker: A goldmine of country-specific data on the export of environmentally sound technologies. If you are looking for data, look no further. (link here)

VIDEO: What is an LDC? This two minute UNCTAD video provides a summary:

Articles to Check Out:

Advancing SDG 7 in LDCs: Green sustainable energy is the focus of SDG 7. This UN report looks at why LCDs struggle to make this transition to Green Energy, areas where improvements must be made and some success stories. The Report states:

Urgent need for increased support Funding allocated to sustainable energy in LDCs should be increased. Support should also be given to entrepreneurship in scaling-up decentralised energy solutions through innovative business models, training and education, and enhanced opportunities for women entrepreneurs. Innovative multi-stakeholder partnerships should be launched and supported by the international community to assist LDCs in their energy transition and tapping into their renewable energy sources.

This article is a great resource for specific ideas to help LDCs, with many charts and statistics you will find useful. Article Link.

Low-carbon resilient development (LCRD): What is it? And how can LCRD help Least Develop Countries be part of the climate solution, while improving their own levels of sustainable development? This article contains faily easy explanations, references to past meetings and actions. Article link.

Protecting Intellectual Property: Developing countries stand to benefit from accessing green technology. Companies, however, often have concerns about the ability of these countries to protect their intellectual property (IP). Companies also want to be compensated for their technology, something that many countries struggle to afford. Article Link.