Loma Fire Site

Site Visit

On the first of December, our team piled into a van and our teacher drove us to the site of the Loma Fire. We suffered in the cold, but we got a burnt soil sample and a lot of pictures. The fire was huge. We only got to explore a small section of the vast, burnt landscape. There was a visible difference between the living trees and burned ones. See the image above. Unfortunately not all of our classmates could attend this field trip. Only seven out of ten came. This trip made us want to help people who are living in that area to restore their gardens and forests around their houses.

"The fire road divided the burnt section and the living section, and it really showed how burnt the forest was."

-Blythe Wilson, seventh grade


On the 19th of December our science teacher will visit the Loma Fire Site with the Cal fire crew again to furthermore explore the site as part of their official restoration efforts.

Photography Exhibit