Forest Seed Bank


The purpose of the seed bank is to restore the forest that were affected by fires. The seed bank is saving trees by collecting seeds that we can grown in our forest nursery. We can help forest restore faster by replanting the trees that were in the area.

The Forest Seed Bank

Our teacher brought in a small refrigerator and we turned that into their seed bank. We researched about seed collecting and saving. We collected seeds from the forest around our campus. We took our second grade little buddies out into the woods and showed them how to collect seeds from different plants.

“My favorite part about the seed collecting was getting the fluffies!”

- Harmony Caron, second grade buddy referring to the coyote brush seeds as ‘fluffies’ because they look like dandelion seeds.

We are planning to plant the seeds in our forest nursery early next spring. Once they’re established, the plants will be transplanted in areas that require restoration at Mount Madonna. We are also coordinating a restoration project with Cal Fire at the Loma Fire site, and they can use our plants.

As of now, we have estimated that our forest seed bank contains approximately 1,000 acorn seeds, 650 redwood seeds, 500 manzanita seeds, 470 madrone seeds, and 3,500 coyote bush seeds.