Apologizing and Forgiveness

SORRY by Trudy Ludwig, 2006, Tricycle Press

Trudy Ludwig's book captures the importance of making a sincere apology and models for children how to take ownership of hurtful behavior and make amends.

Franklin Says Sorry by Paulette Bourgeois, 1999, Kids Can Press

Franklin and Bear have been friends forever, but Franklin lets a secret out of the bag. Find out how they mend their friendship. Grades K-3

I Did It, I'm Sorry by Caralyn and Mark Buehner, 1998, Puffin

A hilarious quiz book where students are invited to select the appropriate behavior from a series of choices. Grades K-3

Roses are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink by Diane DeGroat, 1996, Mulberry Books

How can Gilbert write a nice Valentine poem for a boy who tweaked his nose, or the girl who made fun of his glasses? Grades K-3

I'm Sorry by Sam McBratney, 2000 HarperCollins

Discusses the ups and downs of friendships. Grades K-2