Morgan County Charter School System

One Morgan Band Program

Welcome to our band website!

This site will have announcements and information about the Morgan County band program. Please use the headings at the top of the page to find whatever information you need. Announcements, calendar dates, media, and more will all be updated on this website for your convenience.

For more announcements and for another way to connect with our band program, search for @onemorganband on Facebook.

Upcoming Events

April 18 - MS Jazz Band/Chorale Night

April 25 - MCHS Band Spring Concert

April 26 - Rock-A-Thon!!!

May 4 - MCMS Solo & Ensemble

May 7 - MCHS Chamber Soiree

May 9 - Award Night


Thank you Rock-A-Thon Volunteers!!

Thank you to ALL of the volunteers that made our annual Rock-a-thon a success!!! From the VIP room, to the clean up volunteers, concession stand volunteers, late night volunteers and those that were a presence to make sure everyone remain safe and respectful!  We are only as good as our support system!

A huge shout out to all the students that participated and fundraised to help provide opportunities for our band program and the future!  It was a blast to watch and be a part of having fun with you!  Some photos from Friday night: Rock-a-thon 2024

Couple of date reminders:

April 29th- 6:00 p.m.--- Q and A for uprising 6th grade parents regarding band participation.  (Please help spread the word)

May 2nd- 6:00 p.m.-- ALL DISNEY participants and a parent!  Please fill out the medical form prior to arrival!  If your child has any dietary restrictions, please send immediately. 

May 4th- 9:45-11:30 a.m.- Select students to perform solo and ensemble.  An additional email with specific times and details will be sent out tomorrow. 

May 7th- 2:00 p.m.- 8th graders leave for Disney

May 16th- after school-  select solo and ensemble after school

May 17th- Spring Concert!  Rehearsal 11-1:30 at Town Park. We need someone to pull other trailer. Parents to help chaperone during the day. Students will bring their lunch.  Be on the look out for more information soon!!!


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