Cold, Wintery January Issue That Misses Break

Editor: Josh Carver Writers: Miroku Stuart, Ray Hezkeia, Joshua Perez, Nathaneal Winter, Josue-DaRey Maya Zarate Valentine

Year of the Water Tiger

Written by: Joshua Alexander Perez, Josue-DaRey Maya Zarate Valentine, Josh Carver


Want to know if you're a water tiger? Check out the chart below.

Okay.. So, what does that mean?

Rats are ambitious, charming, talkative, resourceful, private, frugal, and critical.

Oxes are diligent, gentle, hardworking, reliable, patient, materialistic, and stubborn.

Tiger are confident, brave, magnetic, idealistic, thrill-seeking, arrogant, and selfish.

Rabbits are kind, sensitive, artistic, romantic, judgmental, timid, and refined.

Dragons are energetic, generous, intelligent, perfectionistic, egocentric, and impatient.

Snakes are clever, curious, alluring, wise, anxious, calculating, and jealous.

Horses are amusing, enthusiastic, independent, persuasive, irresponsible, moody, and opportunistic.

Goat/Sheeps are easy-going, empathetic, creative, cheerful, disorganized, impulsive and lazy.

Monkeys are entertaining, intelligent, optimistic, sociable, fickle, secretive, and unpredictable.

Roosters are adventurous, charitable, funny, loyal, argumentative, boastful, and self-involved.

Dogs are helpful, honest, trustworthy, unselfish, pessimistic, anxious, and timid.

Pigs are caring, generous, smart, outgoing, fearful, impatient, and materialistic.

Don't forget the element!

Metal is associated with solidity and willpower.

Water is associated with responsiveness and persuasion.

Wood is associated with imagination and creativity.

Fire is associated with passion, and bursts of dynamic energy.

Earth is associated with down-to-earth qualities that encourage focus and commitment to achieving goals.

Valentines Day LOVE WALL

Fun February Holidays

Written by Ray Hezkeia & Miroku Stuart. Edited by Miroku Stuart

There is an abundance of cool and funny holidays in February, so we looked and found one holiday for (almost) every day in February! This is gonna be pretty long, so get comfy.

2/1 is Black History Month day, where we can learn the history of what African American people did in this country.

On 2/2, it's National Ukulele Day where we play with friends and have fun.

2/3 is National Women Physicians Day, but you can also celebrate Elizabeth Blackwell's birthday

Did you know, on 2/4, it's National Wear Red Day! If your favorite color is red then you will like this holiday.

Skipping to 2/7, it's National Give a Friend a Card Day. Give a nice and good friend a card. To say thanks.

On 2/8 it's National Kite-Flying Day. Kites are really cool, and they can be very elaborate!

Also, on 2/9 National Pizza Day. Pizza is really good, so we celebrate it on the 9th! Woo!

2/10 is National Umbrella Day. Umbrellas are REALLY helpful, and they’re funny to play with.

On 2/11, it's Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day. People are really sad when they spill milk, so we’re telling them “stop”.

We're now gonna skip to 2/14, where it's Valentine’s Day! We love people.

2/15 is Annoy Squidward Day! On the 15th we brainstorm how we can annoy Squidward. Best day ever.

When it's 2/16, it's also National Almond Day. Almonds are pretty good (unless you’re allergic), so we celebrate them on the 16th.

2/17 is Random Act Of Kindness Day! We do a good deed because it makes people happy, and a lot of us barely do that. But if you do, good job!

On 2/18 it's National Battery Day! On this day we celebrate the stuff that keeps your things powered (sometimes)

And now we skip to 2/21. It's National Sticky Bun Day! The buns are pretty good, so we celebrate them.

2/22 is National Walking The Dog Day! It combines dogs and walking. I prefer dogs, but it’s still cool to get exercise.

On 2/23, it's Banana Bread Day! On 2/23 you celebrate how delicious banana bread is!

2/24 is National Chili Day. You celebrate how good chili is.

2/25 is Pistol Patent Day! Wow! You celebrate how helpful sidearms are.

And finally... We're finally skipping to 2/28! But it's... Rare Disease Day..? The name really doesn't sound joyful at all, but the goal of Rare Disease Day is to improve knowledge amongst the general public of rare diseases while encouraging researchers and decision makers to address the needs of those living with rare diseases.

Love Bombs for Teachers

written by: Nate Winter. Data collected by: Nate Winter, Joshua Alexander Perez Jr, Josue-DaRey Maya Zarate

Let's show teachers our love!

PJ’s favorite teacher is Mrs. Vasquez because she’s really understanding and when you don't get a problem right she is there to help you. His favorite memory is when they had a snowball fight because, well, IT WAS A SNOWBALL FIGHT!

Jordan’s favorite teacher is Ms Johnson because she's really nice. He loves to be in her class because she does fun stuff! His favorite memory is, well, EVERYTHING about her class.

Dylan says that Mr Carver is his favorite teacher because he’s… Wait, it says that he is his favorite teacher because he’s weird… A fun memory he had with him is his terrible music!?

Levi Wood’s favorite teacher is Mr. Lazarus because he likes his class! His favorite memory is the Revolution game!

Joey’s favorite teacher is Mrs. Laurie because she is really nice! His favorite memory is The Thanksgiving Party.Phil Uyan says his favorite teacher is Mrs. Russel! He loves all the fun projects that she has her class do, like one time when they built a fort.

Manny's favorite teacher is Miss Laura because art is fun, you get to paint and draw. One of his favorite memories is when they made Leonardo with marshmallows (funny).

Kara says that Mrs. Vasquez is her favorite teacher because she helps everybody learn and practice. Her favorite memory with Mrs. Vasquez is when she hosted a snowball fight for christmas.

Zaina’s favorite teacher is Ms. Flink because her class is fun. A fun memory she had with Ms. Flink is when she did stream tables.