Global business & logistics


Global Business and Logistics focuses on the fundamentals of business; from international business to finance. In this Pathway, students work together as a team to complete projects in a collaborative fashion. This hands-on approach allows students not just to extend their knowledge of business, but also develop skills sets that are very valuable in the business world. The GBL Pathway teachers, in addition to their backgrounds in business, are assisted by college professors in crafting stimulating and challenging project based lessons. This leads to the type of instruction that allows students to be up to date in the latest advancements in business. In this Pathway, students will go on field trips such as the Port of Los Angeles, Port of Long Beach, Amazon, East Los Angeles College, and various universities.

All four pathway elective courses are A-G approved. While being in the pathway elective class, students still have the flexibility to take AP and Honors courses, as well as participate in any extracurricular activities such as Marching Band, Speech and Debate, USB, Sports, Choir, Renaissance, etc. Students are encouraged to strive for excellence in all facets of Schurr High School life.

Award for 2019 Senior Exhibition Distinguished Project of the Year

2019 destinguished project of the year


Field Trips

team building


t-shirt designs