21st century marketing

course overview

In order to achieve success, students will use primary sources in order to research and analyze data-driven business decisions to understand marketing in an increasingly competitive global economy. They analyze and synthesize different types of expository and literary texts, verifying and clarifying facts related to market analysis. Through reading and writing, students compare the interrelationships of product, price, promotion, and place decisions in determining a firm’s marketing plan and present their findings to a targeted audience.

In addition, this course will provide opportunities for students to study the English language within the context of business. For example, by examining and analyzing print, TV, web advertisements, students will be able to experientially understand tone, style, and diction. Through critical literacy, they will comprehend how marketing professionals manipulate structural and rhetorical devices to influence and sway consumer’s perception of products and influence buying decisions through advertisements, branding, business communications, and marketing materials. To develop an understanding of how the study of practical and academic English is translated into the practice and language of business, students will read and analyze a variety of texts; essays, journal articles, advertisements, Podcasts , plays, business communications, and full length literary works, including Ogilvy on Advertisement. While most readings will be on marketing-related topics, instruction will be directed towards developing the student’s reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills as they relate to the business and marketing model.