Session 9

Lesson Review

28 Aug 2019

BBSS ETD School Partnership Programme 2019 (Session 9)

Reflection questions

“What are some new insights I have gained in designing for quality lesson with technology?”

“What questions do I still have about designing for quality lesson with technology?”


“What are some new insights I have gained in designing for quality lesson with technology?”

New insights:

Lesson designs which incorporate technology can entail the following interaction pattern: teacher-(individual) student, student-student, student-technology and teacher-class, need not exist in a vacuum. It can still create a dynamic learning pattern/environment through blended learning that incorporate technology and direct instruction modes. This lessons can also be stretched beyond the curriculum hours in the classrooms.

“What questions do I still have about designing for quality lesson with technology?”

What are the challenges in making the lesson enduring over a long period of time? What are the challenges that may surface given that with this approach of learning, learners’ attention span may become shorter, so there is a definite need to constantly enrich and refresh the content.

Mrs Toh

“What are some new insights I have gained in designing for quality lesson with technology?”

The monitoring function is not just about viewing students' work but it allows teachers to give immediate feedback and arrest on the spot where the students have gone wrong or are deviating from the task at hand.

The design of the lesson allows students to proceed from one activity to another seamlessly and they can work on the task at their own pace.

'“What questions do I still have about designing for quality lesson with technology?”

What are the other possibilities that a teacher can tap on to make learning more varied and fun?



“What are some new insights I have gained in designing for quality lesson with technology?”

I have learnt that in the design of quality lesson with technology, it is imperative that the use of technology value-adds students' learning in areas where teaching using paper and pen cannot.

Also, the use of technology aids me in the creating lessons with differentiated instructions, catering to the needs of students all at the same time.

“What questions do I still have about designing for quality lesson with technology?”

How can designing of ICT lessons be sustainable over time?


Previously whenever I attempted to craft an ICT based lesson, I will try to cramp my lessons into the apps/platform that I have chosen. I also thought that those ICT based lesson should be self-run and I did not factor in teacher talk-time until post lesson.

The planning of the lesson always felt forced. The actual lesson felt mechanical and students were fighting for control with each other when they were supposed to collaborate in their learning. When going through the lesson with students, there always seemed to be gaps in their learning that needed to be filled in and many misunderstandings to be corrected.

Now, I understand the SLS platform a little better. I can see how the tools on SLS are available to aid my students' learning. They are supplements, not replacements. I am now able to provide immediate feedback and get the class to do collaborative work even though they are not sharing the same screen using certain functions.

“What are some new insights I have gained in designing for quality lesson with technology?”

I got to know some of the capabilities of the SLS plaform which I didn't know was available.

“What questions do I still have about designing for quality lesson with technology?”

How else can I encourage teachers to buy in to this idea of incorporating technology into their lessons?
