Session 10

End of project review

<Date of Meeting(s)>

Session highlights

Session highlight 1

<Write a brief description of the process and/or artefacts of discussion identified above>

Session highlight 2

<Write a brief description of the process and/or artefacts of discussion identified above>

Key decisions

Key decision 1

<Document the key decision and prioritization made by the team>

Key decision 2

<Document the key decision and prioritization made by the team>

Follow-up actions

List the follow-up actions by different team members + Deadlines


  1. Follow-up action 1 - (Teacher 1) , Deadline 1
  2. Follow-up action 2 - (Teacher 2) , Deadline 2

Key insights

<Document any key learning identified by the team>

My thoughts

Team Member 1

<Insert reflections here>

Team Member 2

<Insert reflections here>

Team Member 3

<Insert reflections here>

Team Member 4

<Insert reflections here>

Team Member 5

<Insert reflections here>

Team Member 6

<Insert reflections here>

Pictures gallery

<Snap interesting pictures during the session and add a simple description>
<Snap interesting pictures during the session and add a simple description>
<Snap interesting pictures during the session and add a simple description>