Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Do I need get a lanyard/ID tag for my child? 

Q: When will we know the class timetable?

Q: What is the price range for the food sold in the canteen?

Q: When will P1 booklist be released?

Q: How many sets of school uniform and PE attire should I purchase for my child?

Q: What are the items in the Orientation Welcome pack?

Q: When will I get the Orientation Welcome pack?

First Week of School

Q: What does my child need to bring on the first day of school? 

Q: What will my child be doing on the first week of school

Q: What does my child need to bring for in the first week of school?

Q: For the first week of school, will there be staff on duty to assist my child in buying food if he/she needs help? 

Q: Can a P4 sibling be assigned as my child’s buddy? 

Q: Can we see them from afar during recess? 

Q: As the recess timing in the first week of school seems early, I am worried my child will get hungry.

Q: Can the students bring their own food for recess? 

Arrival / Dismissal Arrangement

Q: Where should parents drop off the child in the morning? 

Q: How is my child dismissed if he/she takes the school bus? 

Q: Are school buses from private after-school care centers allowed to enter into the school to pick up the students as well? 

Q: How will my child be dismissed if he/she is attending after-school care? 

Q: Will there be teachers waiting with students who are attending Student Care Centre (SCC)? 

Vendor Services

Q: May I know how to join the school bus and the bus route? 

Q: For purchases of books, what types of payments are accepted in the bookstore? 


Q: Will there be a WhatsApp or telegram for parents with class teachers for ease of communication? 

School Rules and Expectations 

Q: Are shoes with velcro straps allowed? 

Q: Can my child wear a smart watch?

Q: Can my child bring a mobile phone to school?

If you have other questions, please email