
"It's not just about you..."

Is there something that you wish to stand up, speak up and act upon? Is there something that you are passionate about?

You could engage yourself in content creation and/or even form an interest group!

Content Creation

For example, some people believe that food brings people together! Through a food-vlog or food-logue, your reviews could potentially kick-start a food revolution!

Enthusiasts of local hawker food culture could create content on the various popular picks by Singaporeans. It could be a food review (e.g. your very own "michelin guide") on some of the chicken rice stalls in Singapore, the crispiest croissant, or even the latest bubble tea hype in town.

What's more!

For those of you who love travelling - both local and overseas - you could also create content on your travels (i.e. travelogue). It could be the historical background information on the places of interest, the cultural aspects of the people living there, the architectural aspects, some fun-facts or even the most "instagram-worthy" places.

For those of you who believe that coding / artificial intelligence could improve lives, you could also create content and share your know-how. For example, watering of plants at home could be automated with some simple coding.

The list of possibilities goes on. Start brainstorming!

Interest Groups

For students who are interested in sewing / art & craft,

  • you could kickstart a fashion runway, craft-your-own-toy and/or raise funds for the community

  • sewing machine (i.e. Tinkers Club @ MakerSpace) is available for use in the school
    (note: you could approach your craft & tech teachers for guidance, if needed)

For students who are interested in music jamming,

  • you could decide on a song together, find the chords (e.g. YouTube tutorials), practice and embark on your debut cover

  • you could form your very own band of guitarist, drummer, vocalist and many more.
    (note: you could approach your music teachers for guidance, if needed)

For students who are interested in artificial intelligence (AI) / coding,

  • AI Student Outreach Programme encourages students to form Student User Groups (SUG) to promote AI literacy and experiment with our open-source AI tools ‘AI BRICKS’ to develop solutions for their schools and real-world needs.
    (note: please approach your home teachers if you would like to sign up)