Student-Initiated Learning (SIL)

Objective: To enable students to explore their interests and passions, both within and beyond the curriculum.

Types of SIL Activities: There are 3 main types of SIL activities and students should be able to choose which type of SIL activity to pursue.

(1) School-Curated

Students choose from a list of learning activities recommended by the school.

(2) Student-Initiated with School Facilitation

Students seek the school's support to facilitate learning activities they are keen on doing.

(3) Fully Student-Initiated

Students identify and pursue areas of interests on their own, after seeking parental consent and teacher's endorsement.

SIL Focus: Learn for Life

In tandem with the shift towards future economy (i.e. Learn for Life), the following themes were conceptualised to build future-ready competencies for our students.