Featured event: Makers' Faire (14, 15 and 17 November)

We celebrated the opening of our very own Makers' Space in North View Primary School with the Makers' Faire! The event showcased the students' work throughout the year for our Sustainability Starts with Me Applied Learning Programme. Students from all classes came to explore the brand new space and visit the various booths set up. 

Featured event: Make @ School Programme Session 3 (P3-P6)

Our last Make@School Session for the year offered students the choice to use plastic materials such as plastic bottles, bottle caps and cups to make sculptures, jelly fish or canvas art. The students had a lot of fun choosing materials to work with and upcycling plastic materials that would have otherwise been thrown away. 

Featured event: Make @ Home Programme Session 3 (P1-P6)

Our last Make@Home Session for the year focused on the learning of fabric waste and how to repurpose fabric to design clothes hangers. The students had a lot of fun asking questions and participating in the quizzes online.

Featured event: Make in School Programme Session 2 (P3-P6)

The P3 to P6 students were engaged in creating their LED lamps by reusing plastic bottles. Here are some of the photos of our students in action!

Featured event: Make@Home Programme (P1-P6)

The P1 to P6 students worked hard on making their own eco-enzyme bottles and soda planters at home with their family members during the June Holidays! Reusing 1.5L plastic bottles, they had fun learning how to turn them into a container to grow their own eco-enzyme cleaners as well as a planter box that does not require frequent watering. Take a look at their results!

Featured event: P2 Lego WeDo 2.0 workshop (22-25th May)

The P2s learnt how to design, build and program an awesome robot that helps to solve an environmental problem by coming up with a prototype using LEGO® Education WeDo 2.0 set. Students learnt about the basics of movements and mechanisms and coding and systemizing. 

Featured event: P3 What's Bugging you teacher? (IPW) (22-25th May)

The P3s learnt about the design thinking process and applied what they learnt to build a prototype that could solve a problem that their teachers are facing.

Featured event: Green Making, Together! Assembly Programme 

(28 February 2023, Tuesday)

The P1s and P2s learnt to make paper hearts out of recycled paper, while the P3s to P6s learnt to make wallets out of recycled paper. Here are some pictures of us with our final products, and of us in action!