Makers' Faire is an exhibition of our student makers' creations throughout the year, from the various programmes (Make4Fun, Make4Life, Make4Good, Make@Home, Make in School).

At Makers' Faire, students were able to view and appreciate the upcycled creations by their peers. Some makers also managed to share their inspiration and takeaways from the various programmes they had participated in.

The interactive Lego activity was also a hot pick among students at Makers' Faire! They were given a hypothetical dystopian scenario and had to use Lego blocks to build an invention to solve the problem.

Students could also write post cards talking about an invention they would like to create out of recycled materials to be used in the year 2099.

All in all, the students managed to put on their creative thinking hats and were encouraged to think a little deeper about upcycling, sustainability, and how to better care for our precious Earth.