What is ALP?

The Applied Learning Programme (ALP) connects classroom learning with real-life applications and encourages students to creatively apply concepts to solve authentic problems. It focuses on evoking curiosity in learning, developing inventive thinking and encouraging a dare-to-try spirit. 

Why "Sustainable Living Starts with Me"?

Singapore has mapped out key strategies to build a sustainable, resource-efficient, and climate-resilient nation in its Green Plan 2030. To achieve these objectives, there are specific targets to reduce waste sent to landfills and increase recycling efforts in the country.

North View’s vision is ‘Passionate Learners, Caring Leaders’. We endeavour to develop passionate learners who are self-directed with positive learning dispositions, critical thinking skills and effective communication skills. In addition, we also hope to develop caring leaders who are confident, active and caring citizens who contribute to the community.

The Sustainable Living Starts with Me (or ‘SLSM’) Applied Learning Programme that we have developed is very much aligned to the nation’s Green Plan and school’s vision. Northviewans will be developed into active and concerned citizens who care for the environment, think inventively, and take the necessary individual and collective actions to reduce, recycle and repurpose waste.

Our Aims

Using Design Thinking protocols, North View’s Sustainable Living Starts with Me ALP aims to:

With this programme, we hope to nurture our students into becoming Sustainability Champions with the following attributes:

Our Programmes