Learning Beyond the Classroom

P2 Learning Journey to Singapore Science Centre

The learning journey to Singapore Science Centre enables pupils to learn more on the characteristics, parts and life cycles of insects and butterflies. Pupils get to see in real life what they have learnt from the big book, “A Butterfly is Born”.

Learning about insects

Answering questions in the lab

Looking at the specimens

Drama Programme

The drama programme in Term 3 aims to develop pupils’ ability to communicate effectively and confidently to convey meaning in acceptable standard English.

Students learn how meaning is conveyed with expression and fluency using a combination of semiotic modes.

Reader's Theatre performance by P2 students

Choral reading showcase by P1 students

Multiliteracies, Metacognition & Inquiry through Dialogue (MMI)

English lessons are designed with pedagogical emphasis on Multiliteracies, Metacognition and Inquiry through Dialogue to develop our students' knowledge and meaningful application of the English Language.

MMI in a nutshell

P3 MMI Lesson on Nearpod

The lesson is focused on Close & Critical Reading. Students need to show understanding and discuss with peers what they have gathered through their reading for Character Study. Students have to come up with a character trait and provide evidence to substantiate their claim for the four characters in the story.

P3 Learning Journey to Land Transport Authority (LTA) Gallery

The learning journey to SG Mobility Gallery at LTA provides pupils with the opportunity to understand different semiotic modes by identifying typographical and visual features like font types, font sizes and illustrations. Students also learn to recognise that text features such as captions, main and sub-headings contribute to meaning.

P3 students looking at the exhibits

Students watching a video about LTA

Students participating in interactive activities

Public Speaking Programme for P5 Students

Through this programme, P5 students learn public speaking strategies like Speech Writing, Group Presentations and Impromptu Speaking Frameworks. Upon completion of the programme, each student receives a Public Speaking certificate awarded by AXIOM, The Global Citizen Academy. 

P5 students doing group presentation

Student practising the speaking framework

Receiving the certificate