Inculcating love for reading

Spelling Bee Championship

The Preliminary Round of the Spelling Bee Championship hosted by the English Department took place in Term 3. All students from Primary 1 to Primary 6 were given equal opportunities to participate. Students’ enthusiasm and excitement were evident as they were eager to showcase their spelling skills. Prior to the start of the competition, students were given level-appropriate texts to read online via SLS. Commonly misspelt words were then carefully selected from the texts for this competition. Top 2 students from every class will then battle it out at Innofiesta, in Term 4, where 1 pupil per level will be crowned Spelling Bee Champion! 

Excitement throughout the Kahoot-facilitated Spelling Bee competition

The Golden Ticket @ IPS Library

To encourage students to read books which are rarely browsed, the IPS Golden Ticket Challenge was launched as part of the Earth Day & World Book Day celebrations.

10 Golden Tickets hidden in books which are rarely browsed or borrowed in our school library. The books were specially handpicked by our librarian, Ms. Leong. Students who successfully found the golden tickets were encouraged to read the book and answer the Golden Question found behind the ticket in order to win the Golden Ticket Challenge.

The challenge served as a reminder to students to read a new book or a new genre when they visit the library in future.

Winners received their prizes during the Earth Day & World Book Day celebrations

Close & Critical Reading using R.I.S.E.

Discussion time with peers 

Pupils sharing their personal responses about an article with each other