Promoting Reading Fluency & Understanding

Reading is the key to understanding. The department believes that all students must know how to read and have the skills to understand what they are reading. 

Reading Support Programmes:

At the lower primary level,  students develop skills categorised in the following areas. This is done through the use of graded books and phonics-based ICT resources.

At the middle primary levels, students develop close and critical reading and viewing skills that allow them to, among others:

QUEST - Quality & Enriching Strategies Programme

QU for quality, E for enriching, ST for strategies - that's what it means.

The English QUEST is a unique programme designed to challenge higher readiness learners. At its core is the "Reading Circle", a book club with a twist. Here, students dive into books to explore diverse perspectives without the pressure of right or wrong answers. This programme nurtures critical thinking, empathy, and powerful communication skills. Through character-based discussions and debates, students learn to read between the lines and express their thoughts coherently. The QUEST programme equips students with skills that are beyond the primary school syllabus, fostering a love for literature and knowledge.

P4 QUEST in action

English Arcade

With the implementation of the English Arcade, we aim for students to be:

There are 4 different activities available:

 Students trying out Boggle

Online grammar games

Reading Corner