Family interaction Time

Promoting Cyber Wellness Habit at Home

(CCE) FTGP Family Time

The development of character and citizenship dispositions in our students is influenced by what happens in school, in the family and the wider community. “Family Time” in the CCE (FTGP) lessons provide suggestions for activities which allow parents to bond with their children and support their children’s development.

P1 - Staying Safe in the Cyber World

P2 - Do I Know You?

P3 - A Healthy Balance

p4 - Responsible and Respectful Internet Use

P5 - Be A Cyber Champion

P6 - My Digital Footprints

Family Digital Contracts

Family media contracts help teach proper technology use and set expectations. They allow you to start an open conversation with your kids and encourage them to be part of the decision making. 

By creating a family media contract, your kids will know their boundaries and have concrete consequences for breaking them.

Download a sample of Family Digital Contract and Family Contract for Device Usage today!

Click on the image to find out more!

Check out these Family Contract Printables to cater to your family media agreement!

On this website, you can find the following: