Cyber Wellness


Cyber Wellness in Fuchun Primary

At Fuchun Primary School, we hope to help students to become responsible, reflective and discerning digital learners. When navigating cyberspace, students should demonstrate respect for themselves and others and practise safe and responsible use. We hope to empower our students with ways to protect themselves while being online.

Check out our Cyber Wellness activities and programmes happening in FCP!

2023 Cyberwellness week highlights

The Cyber Wellness Week took place last week and the theme for the year is – Empower. Inspire. 

We hope Fuchunians and parents can be empowered by the knowledge of cyber risks and be inspired to better protect yourselves in cyberspace. 

Check out the highlights from last week!

P4 to P6 Cyber Wellness Leaders Advocacy Training Programme (2023)

The P4 to P6 Cyber Wellness Advocacy Training brought together our P4 to P6 Cyber Wellness Leaders (CWLs) to enhance their digital citizenship skills and strengthen their public speaking abilities. It aimed to equip our students with the necessary knowledge and confidence to navigate the digital world responsibly and effectively communicate cyber wellness habits to their peers.

To reinforce their learning, the CWLs took part in creating their own presentation slides and presented them to their peers in class during Cyber Wellness Week.

By empowering these students to become advocates for cyber wellness, we hope this workshop has nurtured their ability to inspire their peers and families to practise good cyber habits and empower them with practical handles to prevent falling victim to cyber risks!

Go Safe Online pop-up exhibition by the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore

In support of Cyber Wellness and Digital Defence, the Go Safe Online pop-up exhibition by the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore was held in the school library from 3 April to 14 April 2023.

The installation of information panels, videos and interactive game aims to educate our students about online dangers and encourage them to stay safe online.

We hope students will continue to stay vigilant online and be equipped with the handles to protect themselves and loved ones from potential cyber risks!

Scroll through the images to take a look at what Fuchunians have to say about protecting themselves from cyber risks!

Reflecting on cce (ftgp) cyber wellness lessons

The P1 to P6 CCE(FTGP) curriculum places emphasis on Cyber Wellness related topics. Through the lessons, students learnt about the importance of understanding cyber wellness in many aspects.

As part of learning, students are invited to participate in an asynchronous post-lesson activity to reflect on their learning and to apply what they have learnt in case studies posted in the lesson.

2023 Safer Internet Day

Our school commemorated Safer Internet Day 2023 with assembly talks raising awareness of how young children can stay safe on the internet by responding positively and responsibly online. 

Cyberbullying, one of the many internet safety issues, was the topic of focus during the talks. Students were given practical handles to deal with cyberbullying incidents.

Through the assembly talks and our CCE(FTGP) Programme, we hope to inculcate good Cyber Wellness habits in our students and continue to work with parents to make the Internet a safer place for all to explore.

(P3-P6) FCP 2023 Safer Internet Day_7 Feb

2023 Cyber Wellness Leader Training Programme

Cyber Wellness leaders have gone through basic training in school to equip themselves with basic skills to operate the patch panels in classrooms and handling of iPads to their peers in an orderly manner. We could see our leaders in action as they carry out their responsibilities dutifully!

2022 Infocomm Media Club Youth Awards

Our P4 Cyber Wellness Student Ambassadors participated in the 2022 Cyber Wellness Challenge held by the Media Literacy Council in collaboration with Apple Sg in 2022. Team Upstanders has been awarded 2nd place under the theme, Be Kind!

The video highlights the need to curb insensitive comments made due to the increased time students are spending on digital devices as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. It shows the effect of insensitive and disrespectful online comments made by students on their peers.

All winning videos can be found on the Media Literacy Council website under Cyber Wellness Challenge 2022

“We’ve come across peers being disrespectful online and ignorant of the consequence of their behaviour and this inspired us to create content on cyber wellness issues they faced, based on our peers’ feedback which we deemed important and could resonate with.”
– Anna Dong, 2022 Cyber Wellness Ambassador

2022 Cyber Wellness Week!

The Cyber Wellness (CW) Week with the theme - Discovering Cyber Wellness took place from 25 July to 29 July 2022.

In raising the students’ awareness of cyber-related issues, we believe that it can help to improve their online experiences and allow them to gain more cyber-related knowledge, thereby empowering them to better protect themselves online.

A series of Cyber Wellness related activities were introduced to the students to encourage them to inculcate good cyber habits online and promote Cyber Wellness messages among their peers!