About LEAPS 2.0 Recognition System

LEAPS 2.0 is a framework to recognise secondary school students' holistic development. Students will be recognised with levels of attainment in four domains:

At the end of their graduating year, students’ co-curricular attainment will be recognised according to Excellent / Good / Fair.

Their level of attainment will be converted to a bonus point(s) which can be used for admission to Junior College/ Polytechnics/ Institutes of Education.

Leadership Domain

This domain recognises students' leadership development. 

Recognition is accorded to students' ability to take charge of personal development, work in a team and assume responsibilities in service of others. In addition to formal leadership appointment, participation in student leadership modules / workshops, the National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA) and leadership positions in the school, CCA or student-initiated/student-led projects will also be recognised. 

The Boys' Brigade CCA offers the opportunity for students to reach level 5 by merit through the attainment of the Warrant Officer (WO) rank. Typically, a student will reach a minimum of Sergeant (SGT) rank (Level 3) by his 4th year, provided he is active in participation and has displayed good conduct in school and CCA.

Achievement Domain

This domain recognises students' representation and accomplishment in co-curricular involvements beyond the classroom. 

Opportunities for representation and accomplishment present valuable learning experiences for students to learn discipline, resilience and develop their character. Students may represent the school or organisations endorsed by the school. 

Recognition of  external opportunities better caters to students' diverse interests and talents. It also recognises the community's role in developing the child. 

The Boys' Brigade CCA offers the opportunity for students to reach level 5 by merit through the attainment of the Founder's Award. Typically, students are able to attain the Senior Proficiency Award (Level 4), provided they attend and actively participate in weekly parades, annual camps and Values-in-Actions (VIA) programmes.

Opportunities to participate in local inter-school competitions such as BB Blaze, BB Character Quest and BB Pipes and Drums Festival are also available to students every year.

Participation Domain

This domain recognises students' participation in one school-based Co-Curricular Activity (CCA). Recognition is based on the number of years of participation and exemplary conduct and active contribution to the CCA. Sustained engagement in the same CCA allows for progressive development of character, skills, knowledge and friendships, and will be accorded higher recognition.

The Boys' Brigade CCA offers the opportunity for students who are active members from sec 1 to sec 4 to reach level 4 or 5, depending on their participation, conduct and contribution to the CCA.

Service Domain

This domain recognises students' development as socially responsible citizens who contribute meaningfully to the community. Every student will contribute at least six hours per school year to the community. 

Students may choose to embark on a Values-In-Action (VIA) project to fulfil these service hours. A typical VIA project consists of the planning, service, and reflection components. Time spent on VIA projects, including the planning, service and reflection components, will count towards the minimum hours of service stated in the above criterion.

The Boys' Brigade CCA offers the opportunity for students to reach a minimum of level 4, through participation in at least 2 VIA projects, including the annual BB CARES and BB Share-a-Gift projects, which will contribute at least 30 service hours.